
Welcome to my train of thought. Just a warning, there might be turbulence. I'm a little eccentric, but hopefully you'll find something here that'll make the crazy worth it. Stay tuned for book reviews, ramblings on random things, and all sorts of stuff that tickles my fancy. But keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times. My brain is a scary place!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Review: Portrait of a Shadow

Portrait of a Shadow Portrait of a Shadow by Meriam Metoui
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and Henry Holt for the pre-release copy of Portrait of a Shadow. Below is my honest review.

I really enjoyed the concept of this novel - magic painting, mysterious disappearances, road trip with cute stranger boy next door. It reminded me of an episode of Charmed that revolved around a similar painting.

Alas, the execution felt a little lacking. The twist was predictable, as was the real situation surrounding the disappearances, and the ending was not satisfying. But I didn't hate it, and I was entertained still.

I liked the author's writing style, so maybe I'll try a future novel and see if there has been some growth.

Recommended with caveats mentioned above.

View all my reviews

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