My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's for providing me with this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
This was un-put-down-able! This is my third Megan Goldin - since her release of the Escape Room a few years ago, I've read all her new releases. I just discovered in preparation for this review, that she has one more book - her debut - that I haven't read yet. I'll be remedying that this year, and in the future, all of her books will be on my radar.
I absolutely loved this one. The premise is pretty awesome, and while I did figure out the mystery (I read a lot of mystery and sometimes it just jumps out to me), I loved the ride. I was so sucked in that I couldn't stop reading it. I needed to know what happened, both in the present and in Liv's past.
This was an intensely-paced and fantastically plotted, with reveals showing up at just the right speed.
My only gripe was that the main character was supposed to be an American, and it's set in New York City, but some of the language used is clearly outside US vernacular. Example: whereas in the US, we'd say "his phone was busy" or "she got a busy signal when she called him," this novel uses "his phone was engaged."
All in all, a very minor gripe, but did pull me out of the story a little bit.
If you're a fan of fast pace, danger at every turn, and never knowing who to trust kinda thrillers, this novel is for you! Highly recommended.
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