My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite authors. Seriously, she's on my auto-buy list. I love the worlds and characters she creates.
Incryptid is one of those worlds, and I struggle with deciding if it is my favorite or if October Daye is. Every time I read one of the books in either series, I decide that one is my favorite Seanan series. Then I read one in the other, and change my mind.
Tricks for Free picks up with Antimony's story, following the crazy events of Magic for Nothing. There is a shorty included that takes place in between the two novels, but I read that last year when it was a Patreon story, and I highly recommend reading that one first, since it takes up the story immediately while Tricks for Free's narrative starts a few months later.
Antimony has been on the run, and found her way to a theme park (of course!), hoping to hide from the Covenant in the crowds. But of course, Seanan never lets her protagonists' plans work out like they expect, so hijinks ensue. We did see some returning characters, both expected and unexpected, and made a few new friends along the way.
I'd like to say I was satisfied with this one. I loved it, but it wasn't, and doesn't ever seem to be, enough. I'm already ready for the next book -- supposedly "That Ain't Witchcraft" starring Antimony again!* -- and can only hope that the next October Daye book's release (usually a fall thing) can tide [Luidaeg joke!] me over until I can get my next Seanan fix.
*After this, Seanan has mentioned the next two will be Sarah (Imaginary Numbers, Calculated Risks) and then ALICE (Spelunking through Hell: A Visitor's Guide to the Underworld)!!!!
Review to be published on release date... but damn, I need news from her that we are getting more and who the POVs will be!
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