My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks so much to Netgalley and Macmillan/Tor-Forge for providing me with a review copy in exchange for nothing more than an honest review. It is most appreciated.
That being said, I'm also a little mad that you provided me with this review copy... and now you're making me wait an entire year to get more of this story... after that ending! Book torture is the cruelest of all tortures, I think!
Just kidding (mostly). To be honest, this book was fantastic. We get a lot more development of character relationships in this book, and we get to see that not all of our main characters are perfect. We see the ugly sides. We see the amazingly strong sides. We get to see what some of them do when thrown into completely new situations, cut off from everything they know. While much of this book was moving the chess pieces to where they needed to be for the final tale, it was done in a way that led to all of this development, growth, and revelation - an indication of Danielle Jensen's writing talent.
And we get to see the setup to what is now one of my most anticipated books of next year. It's going to be a wild ride, and I am totally here for it. If I survive the book torture waiting until then. :)
Highly recommended, but please start with Dark Shores and Dark Skies first.
5 Stars Marked by the Gods
I am not pleased to have to wait a year for the last book. Or longer. Omg please don’t be longer than a year.
Anyone know how to bribe an author? :)
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