My rating: 5 of 5 stars
OH NO. It's over. The series is over. *dies*
*remembers two more Hughs and potential same world books and kind of perks up a little tiny bit*
*throws temper tantrum*
Review to come on release date. And if you thought there was even a chance this would get less than five stars, you're delusional. ALL THE STARS.
Thanks to Berkley and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review... I think. I mean, to be fair, it kind of means the series ended sooner for me than it should have... but yes, I definitely appreciate being trusted with an ARC of the final book of one of the best UF series of all time.
I don't even know where to begin to process my feelings, and I can't say too much without giving away spoilers.
Conlan - Yes. All the yeses. The way he is written is fantastic and funny and adorable. Bring on the teenage Conlan/older Julie spinoff, please.
Kate and Curran - plenty of their famous banter, some sexy times, lots of depending on each other, and proof that they are definitely "OTP."
Atlanta - We get to see so many characters in this one and I love it. Pretty much everyone we've ever met of any importance at least gets an appearance, and not a single one of them felt like a cameo just for a cameo. All felt like they progressed the story or helped Kate or pushed the narrative in some way or another.
Violence and Magic - lots, duh.
Iron - Read Iron and Magic before you read this. Just saying. Trust me. It's a great book anyways, but you need to. NEED TO. Thank goodness we have two more Hugh books.
The Villains - not exactly what you're thinking. Great surprises when you think the book will ONLY be about Roland. Nope. Lots of shit going on, of course, because that's when Kate thrives -- in the chaos and stress of EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE.
Future Spinoffs - Yes, give me more. Ilona has mentioned more set in this world. I would love a Julie spinoff, especially after the finale of this book. She has aged into a smart, wise, powerful young woman.
Thank you, Ilona, for this series, for this world, for the time I've spent there (and will spend in future rereads). You are truly talented.
Now, excuse me while I go weep uncontrollably that this amazing series has reached its finale.
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