My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for gifting me an early copy of this novel. Below you'll find my honest review.
I loved this one! Adina was easy to root for, as she held her ground, did her best without compromising her morals, and fought hard for her future. There weren't a ton of likeable characters in this one - that was kind of the point, I think - but a few that stood out to me, other than Adina, were Pen, Saint, and Graham. They all had their flaws, but they were still interesting and deep characters to read about and find room to like them. Most of the others are purposefully awful.
The Finish was wild. I am not sure how so many people could be involved without questions regarding the deaths, but then again, wealth breeds security and freedom to do as you wish.
I loved the minority representation - there were POCs (including the main character) and a gay character, as well as multiple social classes. Obviously, the author is a POC, so it was done with respect and done well.
Highly recommend this one for those who like books like Hunger Games, One of Us is Lying, semi-horror/semi-thriller YA books. It was REALLY hard to put down.
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