My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Mark Lawrence really knows how to plot trilogies expertly. So far, I've read Book of the Ancestor and Book of the Ice and loved them both. I own the Impossible Times trilogy, and once I read those, will go back for Broken Empire.
I care deeply about the characters in this trilogy, as much as the ones from Book of the Ancestor, and really need more. The blurb doesn't say "trilogy," instead saying "series," so maybe this one will have more? *sighs*
Highly recommend this one, but with the caveat that you at least need to read the first two Book of the Ice before picking this one up. I'd definitely suggest reading Book of the Ancestor first as well, and as many others have mentioned his other series, perhaps those too. There are connections a-plenty.
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