My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!
In this book, we return to the Jumble and Vicki DeVine, first introduced in 2018's Lake Silence, which also happened to be the beginning of our visits to places other than Lakeside and people other than Meg Corbyn and her new family. We took a little detour in the next book, Wild Country, to witness some monumental events that had far-reaching effects for all humans. And now, we're back at the Jumble.
It's Trickster Night (their version of Halloween), and who should make a terrifying appearance? Crowbones, the ancient spirit Crowgard parents used to keep their kids behaving properly! In Crowbones' wake, bodies start piling up.
Vicki and her fellow humans and the Others who live in Sproing must work together to figure out who is causing the stir, as even bigger Elders and Hunters cut off the town from the outside world and begin Hunting themselves.
It was a great book, but I had a little trouble getting into it at the beginning, so I gave it 4.5 stars. I rounded down because the culprit(s) were a little obvious, but it was still a fantastic story.
I adore this world, and some cameos we got! I can't wait for the next Others-verse story!!!
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