Yes, Daddy by
Jonathan Parks-Ramage
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Massive trigger warnings for this one. MASSIVE.
This book was insanely fucked up. But it was compelling. And it does shine a light on some serious issues in a fictional setting that have some applicability to reality.
I felt really bad for the main character. He does make a lot of bad decisions, but he jumps from one brainwashing/control situation after another.
I'm not sure I liked it. I'm not sure I didn't like it. It was a hard to put down book.
I really have no idea how to rate it.
If you have a strong constitution and can handle a long list of potential triggers and some serious darkness, give this book a shot. It was well-written and, like I said before, very compelling. It made you want to keep reading. It made you want to know what was going to happen. It made you root for the victims, even when they were making bad decisions. It made you hate the abusers. It made you keep reading, knowing what was going on, seeing all the little steps the abusers were taking to isolate the main character and entrap him.
This book won't leave you happy. It's a rough, tough, heartbreaking read. But it's a good book overall.
3.5 stars rounded up.
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