The Night Swim by
Megan Goldin
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
This book was heavy. It was a tough read. It focuses around the stories of two rapes, both in the small town of Neopolis, NC, but 25 years apart. One never made headlines, and the other is the subject of a widely reported public trial.
This book wasn't really as "thriller-y" as her debut, The Escape Room, but it dealt with similar themes - the depths and lows of human kind, and how trauma can cause such dark issues.
I would have given it five stars, because it was a really strong book that truly made you think about how rape is handled in the American justice system, how the female is usually made out to be a tramp, and the male is usually lauded as a stand up guy who is having his reputation trashed by a slut who changed her mind. Alas, the few twists that were there were either not set up enough or were really predictable, so it lost a star.
Overall, highly recommend both of her books thus far, and will look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.
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