Peace Talks by
Jim Butcher
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Super extra special thanks to Netgalley and Berkley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Christmas is coming early this year, everyone. TWO DRESDEN FILES books after years of waiting. Step aside, George Martin. Feel ashamed, Patrick Rothfuss. Jim Butcher has you beat. He went through a dry spell with quite a bit of personal turmoil and came out the other side writing a book so long it had to be split into two. Take notes, authors.
This one was fantastic after the long wait. We jump back into Harry's life, which of course is still cray cray, and it's like coming home.
Of course, Jim Butcher can't let things stay quiet for long. Soon, allies are in trouble, he's got Winter Knight duties, family decides now's the perfect time to add issues, the Council is being its typical self, and a bunch of supernaturals are in town for a peace talk convention that, let's be honest, we all know is bound to go wrong.
If you haven't read the side anthologies, read them before you pick this one up. You'll be happy you did - you'll recognize a character or two and you'll understand what's going on with Ramirez a little better.
Of course, since this was one book that ended up split into two, the ending is semi-cliffhangerish (yeah, I made up a word). Thank Queen Mab we only have a short wait until September for the next bit.
Highly recommended series, but start from the beginning and don't jump in here!
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