My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks to Berkley and Netgalley for providing me an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
I am so happy to be delving back into the world of the Hollows. Don't get me wrong. I like Kim Harrison's Peri Reed, the palate cleanser she worked on to give herself a break from the "finished" Hollows. I'm really sad that she didn't publish the third one. I didn't care much for her standalone Perfunctory Affection. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't her best work either. I hate to say it, because I know authors need to write other things to keep themselves happy and fresh-minded, but Hollows is where she shines the most. It's where she's at the top of her game.
This one opens, luckily, with a quick recap of characters and recent events, which is a blessing. I tried hard to complete my reread of the series before I needed to read this one. Alas, my reading mojo hasn't been nearly as big as in previous years, so I finished up through book five (gasp, that ending is so hard) and wasn't able to finish more.
I'm so glad we're back in Rachel's life. Jenks is one of my favorite characters, and I love Al. Sadly, Al takes a backseat in this one due to a VERY dangerous enemy, but that turns out to be okay. A few new characters are introduced that I really, really like, and Cincinatti's shaken up yet again with new leadership on multiple fronts.
All in all, I loved this one very much, but I did have to deduct half a star and go with 4.5, strictly because of something at the end. It would have been a whole star, but luckily, Harrison hinted that there will be a revisiting of this specific thing. (Can't and won't spoil it for you, sorry-not-sorry)
Looking forward to the next book, The Rule, already. Hope it releases next year and we get a little extra resolution and a lot more of Rachel and gang. Keep 'em coming, Harrison!
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