My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and Berkeley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Dearest Richard, brace thyself for ecstatic warbling.
Relationship woes affect even the best of us, especially when each of us brings our baggage from the past into the present, and Mercy and Adam are no exception. Of course, when you throw a bunch of supernatural into the mix, you have to expect a lot of hard to go along with the easy.
Also, it's really hard to deal with personal things when preternatural smoke monsters that control minds and can look like anyone show up. (It's best not to think of LOST when reading this book, even if smoke monsters made you go straight there!)
Throw in a handful of great side characters (Warren, Kyle, Honey, George, Ben, Jesse, Tad, Zee, etc), some mysterious ones (Underhill, Aiden, Marsilia, etc) and a handful of obnoxious ones (I dunno, Auriele ringing any bells?) and you've got yourself some chaos!
Honestly, while I'm a huge fan of this series so my opinion is a little biased, this might be my favorite in the series so far. It's definitely up there.
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