My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I'm so glad I kept up with this series! As I said in my review of the last novel in the series, Lies Sleeping, I had gone through a slump with this series for a few in the middle. I had to catch up to get to my ARC of Lies Sleeping, and the book didn't disappoint. It made it worth it.
Well, this one keeps up the quality!
We've got technology and magic colliding in this one. While the beginning can be a tad bit confusing (it jumps back and forth between months), the opening really sucks you into the story. The new characters introduced in this one, while most are probably only going to be in this one, were deep and developed and interesting.
My favorite part of this one, though, was a little more development of Foxglove and a lot more of Beverley.
I don't want to say too much and risk spoiling things, but highly recommend this series. Again, the caveat that you should have read the prior books in the series applies here.
Four out of five stars.
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