My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thanks to Berkley and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Faith, you've done it again! A culmination of so many storylines, this book might have become my favorite in the series. It's got depth and darkness and light and hope and grief and connection. It's got a big bad that's actually pretty damn terrifying. It's got lots of twists and turns. It's got lots of emotion and heart. Most of all, it's got Jane truly recognizing, on a deep soulful level, what's most important - the bonds she has forged with the people and creatures that have become her Clan, and similarly, accepting *who she is*, every single aspect.
While the title of this book is Shattered Bonds, don't let that fool you into thinking that Legs will be alone. Change, reforging, making something stronger is the name of the game.
There were quite a few emotional moments, but one that really stood out to me was a moment between Jane and Beast. It hit me really hard, and was absolutely mesmerizing and beautiful. Might have been my favorite moment of the series.
I really adore this series (and its spinoff, Soulwood) but if you've not read it, please start at the beginning with Skinwalker. Trying to jump in on this one will just spoil things and devalue the emotional payoff that comes with the events of a long-term series. HIGHLY recommended. ALL THE STARS.
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